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Our Montessori environment provides for both the promotion and the refinement of movement and creating lifelong healthy habits!


Our emphasis is on the child improving their own athletic, emotional and coordination abilities and learning to be an effective team member. 


Our Toddlers are walking, running, kicking, throwing, and reaching for just about everything they can get their hands on. We include active play, constructive opportunities and fun aerobic exercises for all our students to increase their sense of achievement, confidence, relaxation and develops overall self-esteem of the children. 




Art is a building block of our curriculum. We explore drawing, painting, sculpting with clay and threading beads on a string to develop visual-spatial skills, strengthen problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.


 When making art—or just talking about it—we provide joyful and inventive opportunities to learn words for colors, shapes and actions.

Our use of different media and techniques helps students develop a sense of innovation and cultural diversity. Our approach leads to advanced academic performance.



Music permeates the very fiber of our classrooms. Our students love to move and they love to sing! Morning circle begins with a greeting song, followed by children’s selection of more songs from the class’s impressive repertoire. Afternoon circle is the time for learning and practicing new songs.


We include plenty of group singing, spontaneous and planned incorporation of music throughout the daywell planned integration of a wide variety of musical recordings of many genres.


We provide music and instruments from many different countries to help strengthen skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy.


All students attend weekly Spanish classes taught by a native Spanish speaker. The integrated Spanish instruction includes Spanish songs, books, dance and dialogue. Spanish Montessori materials are available for daily work in our classrooms.


We start with colors, numbers, shapes, greetings and how to introduce yourself.  Food and culture are introduced through the means of songs, cooking and art and craft. Our parents report that their children sing in Spanish around the house!


    Paint Branch
Montessori School

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